Amanita ?

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Registriert: Mi Jul 13, 2022 10:14 pm

Amanita ?

Beitrag von BubikolRamios »

amsl 550, pasture land, as far as I can see now, spore print will not be white ... ... 7b429409b1
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Registriert: Sa Jul 02, 2022 8:54 pm
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Re: Amanita ?

Beitrag von abeja »

the spore print will be the same colour as Pluteus, with this volva it is Volvopluteus and because of the size it must be Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. (formerly Volvariella gloiocephala)
I just saw pictures of another species, which can grow in (southern?) Europe (Spain, Italy): Volvopluteus earlei - but it is much smaller (and has some different micro-features.) ... iocephalus
Viele Grüße von abeja
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Registriert: Mi Jul 13, 2022 10:14 pm

Re: Amanita ?

Beitrag von BubikolRamios »

Grooved = nearest term I can find.
Local page in translation: "grooved form is darker gray brown colored, the cap edge is grooved"
The OP image I think is exactly that.

No latin f., var. there. If exists something like that in latin, about that grooved form ?
Beiträge: 987
Registriert: Sa Jul 02, 2022 8:54 pm
Wohnort: da, wo D an CH und F grenzt

Re: Amanita ?

Beitrag von abeja »

I didn't see anything about forms or varieties.
But your mushroom shows indeed a darker colour than I know. In the descriptions it is sometimes mentioned that it can get darker (with some brown colour, especially in the middle) with age, the rim might be striate because of transparency.
Viele Grüße von abeja