Thailand, Annonaceae

Bestimmungsanfragen für Wildpflanzen außerhalb Europas.
Beiträge: 869
Registriert: So Jul 03, 2022 10:55 am

Thailand, Annonaceae

Beitrag von woody »

NP Khao Sok, im tiefen Dschungel, Fernab von Gärten. Ich bleibe schon bei der Gattung hängen. Punkt 2: was trifft hier zu, ist das rötlich sichtbare ein "inner petal"?

Key C -
1. Lower leaf surface pale or whitened, covered with tiny papillae, secondary veins of leaf indistinct 16. Maasia
1. Lower leaf surface concolourous with upper surface or occasionally slightly paler, lacking papillae, secondary veins of leaf distinct and prominent 2
2. Inner petals minute, rudimentary. Fruits pseudosyncarpous 3. Annona (in part)
2. Inner petals distinctly present. Fruits pseudosyncarpous or apocarpous 3
3. Midrib of leaf distinctly raised above 37. Winitia*
3. Midrib of leaf plane or sunken above 4
4. Specimens with flowers 5
4. Specimens with fruits 13
5. Inner petals with a distinct claw, connivent at apex 6
5. Inner petals sessile, spreading at the apex 7
6. Outer petals subequal to or shorter than inner petals. Pedicels longer than outer petals, lax and often threadlike (≤ 0.5 mm thick) 31. Pseuduvaria
6. Outer petals longer than inner petals. Pedicels usually shorter than outer petals, stout 14. Goniothalamus
7. Tertiary leaf venation percurrent 8
7. Tertiary leaf venation reticulate 10
8. Inner petals discolourous, corrugated or warty on inner base 18. Meiogyne
8. Inner petals concolourous, smooth or with raised veins but not otherwise differentiated on inner base 9
9. Pedicel with bract near midpoint strongly adnate. Leaf base symmetrical, cuneate to rounded 24. Monoon
9. Pedicel with non-adnate bract attached near base. Leaf base asymmetrical and/or cordate, sometimes minutely so 29. Polyalthia (in part)
10. Outer petals about as long as wide 11
10. Outer petals distinctly longer than wide 12
11. Petals membranous, 3–8.5 mm long. Fruits apocarpous 33. Sageraea
11. Petals fleshy, 15–50 mm long. Fruits pseudosyncarpous 3. Annona (in part)
12. Leaf base asymmetrical and/or cordate, sometimes minutely so 29. Polyalthia (in part)
12. Leaf base symmetrical, cuneate to rounded 2. Anaxagorea
Annona (1)a.jpg
Annona (1)a.jpg (87.24 KiB) 3171 mal betrachtet
Annona (2a).jpg
Annona (2a).jpg (82.64 KiB) 3171 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 215
Registriert: Mo Jan 09, 2023 4:36 pm

Re: Thailand, Annonaceae

Beitrag von apankura »

ja, du hast 3 Kelchblätter und 3 äussere und 3 innere Petalen - aber mach dir das Leben nicht unnötig schwer- tagge mal Thomas Couvreur!