Thailand, rot-weiß früchtige Dschungelpflanze (= Aglaonema nitidum)

Bestimmungsanfragen für Wildpflanzen außerhalb Europas.
Beiträge: 869
Registriert: So Jul 03, 2022 10:55 am

Thailand, rot-weiß früchtige Dschungelpflanze (= Aglaonema nitidum)

Beitrag von woody »

Khao Sok Nationalpark, schattig-feuchte Stelle
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DSC00583a.jpg (139.36 KiB) 3768 mal betrachtet
Zuletzt geändert von woody am So Mär 17, 2024 6:36 pm, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 215
Registriert: Mo Jan 09, 2023 4:36 pm

Re: Thailand, rot-weiß früchtige Dschungelpflanze

Beitrag von apankura »

Beiträge: 869
Registriert: So Jul 03, 2022 10:55 am

Re: Thailand, rot-weiß früchtige Dschungelpflanze

Beitrag von woody »

Vielen Dank. Von der Chorologie kommen nitidum und simplex in Betracht. Von der Blattbasis und Fruchtfarbe her nitidum.

7. Margin of petiolar sheath scarious; leaf blade base cuneate to attenuate; venation undifferentiated 6. A. nitidum
7. Margin of petiolar sheath membranous; leaf blade base obtuse to rounded; venation various 8
8. Venation undifferentiated; spathe semipersistent late into fruit 3. A. cochinchinense
8. Venation clearly differentiated into primary and secondary veins; spathe caducous during anthesis 9. A. simplex

6. Aglaonema nitidum (Jack) Kunth Description : Medium to large, somewhat robust, pachycaul or decumbent, evergreen herb, to 2 m tall. Stem erect or with lower part reclining on ground in larger plants, 0.5–5 cm thick. Leaves several to rather many together, usually restricted to the terminal portion of stems in larger plants; petioles deeply channelled, (8–)11–26(–29) cm long; petiolar sheath extending to the petiole tip, margins scarious; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, 11–50 by 4–20 cm, base cuneate to attenuate, rarely broadly acute, apex acuminate to broadly acute or shortly acuminate, apiculate, coriaceous, usually plain green, sometimes with grey variegation either in bars following the venation or in rather irregularly scattered blotches; venation barely or not differentiated in fresh and dry material but sometimes primary veins weakly differentiated into 5–9 or more. Inflorescences 2–5 together; peduncle 5–21 cm long, equalling or surpassing the subtending petiole; spathe oblong, 3–8.5 cm, decurrent for 4–20 mm, white at anthesis, becoming green during fruiting, persistent until fruit full-sized but still green, then marcescent; spadix cylindrical, equalling or slightly exceeding spathe, 1.3–7 cm, stipitate; stipe 0.2–0.9 cm long; pistillate flower zone (0.2–)0.5–1 cm long with 16–37 flowers; staminate flower zone 1.1–6 by ca.1.5 cm, white. Fruits ellipsoid, green, changing to white then pink and finally red.

9. Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume Description : Medium, slender to somewhat robust, sub-pachycaul to suffruticose or decumbent, evergreen herbs. Stem erect, 15–120 cm tall, 0.4–1.7(–2.5) cm thick. Leaves several to rather many together, often clustered towards the shoot tips in larger plants; petioles 4.3–21.5 cm long; petiolar sheath with a membranous margin; leaf blade narrowly oblong, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, occasionally linear, elliptic or ovate, 10–35 by 1.9–25 cm, base often unequal or oblique, obtuse, rounded or subtruncate, rarely acute or subcordate; apex often apiculate, acuminate, sometimes abruptly or gradually acuminate; primary lateral veins strongly differentiated, 3–14 per side; interprimary veins much less prominent, blade plain green, never variegated but the shade of green varying markedly between populations, thinly leathery. Inflorescences 1–6 together; peduncle 4–12 cm; spathe oblong-ovate, often apiculate, inflating at pistillate anthesis, then soon caducous at onset of staminate anthesis, 1.8–6.5 cm, decurrent for 3–15 mm, white; spadix cylindrical, equalling or slightly exceeding spathe, 1.7–4.3 cm, stipitate; stipe 2–12 mm; pistillate flower zone 3–10 mm long, with 12–38 flowers; staminate flower zone 1.5–3.8 by 0.5 cm, white, separated from the pistillate zone by a brief naked interstice. Fruits ovoid-ellipsoid, 1–1.7 by 0.8 cm, green, ripening through yellow to bright red.