
Gallen, Vögel, Insekten, Biologie usw.
Beiträge: 213
Registriert: Mi Jul 13, 2022 10:14 pm


Beitrag von BubikolRamios » ... #Cultivars

if you look here for: "Brassica oleracea var. sabellica" in table ...

should not that be "Brassica oleracea var. acephala subvar. sabellica" ?

I did encounter formulations like that, var. ... subvar. ...
Beiträge: 1641
Registriert: Mi Jun 22, 2022 10:18 pm
Wohnort: Bruchsal

Re: subvar.

Beitrag von Kraichgauer »

This is the very old system from the Engler and Ascherson & Graebner time (1900's to 1940's), where the infraspecific nomenclature was artificially inflated into numerous ranks. Those names are fortunately mostly ignored or synonymized today. Look at the thousands of synonyms per species in European nomenclature in POWO or WorldPlants.
Authors created "Bandwurm-Namen" by adding several infraspecific ranks behind each other ("species - subspecies - var - subvar - forma") and many more.
Summary: Forget it. And don't rely on Wikipedia.

If cultivars are concerned, the best method remains to use the category of "convar." or "cv." which is sort of without rank and defines a garden or culture variety.
