Dasyscyphella nivea vs. Lachnum virgineum

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Dasyscyphella nivea vs. Lachnum virgineum

Beitrag von BubikolRamios »

Any way to tell which is this ? Local source says Lachnum virgineum is smaller. Looking at my id-s, there is no diff. in size.

On very rotten peace of deciduous wood.
http://agrozoo.net/jsp/Galery_one_image ... 6ddd3976d5
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Registriert: Sa Jul 02, 2022 8:54 pm
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Re: Dasyscyphella nivea vs. Lachnum virgineum

Beitrag von abeja »

I read that Dasyscyphella nivea grows on small pieces, Lachnum virgineum on thick substratum ... (SORRY: vice versa: D. n. big pieces, L. v. small pieces - see asco-sonneberg.de)
But there are lots of Lachnum and Dasyscyphella species (micro needed).

I doubt one of the species mentioned above here, because the hairs are not very long, maybe it is a close relative.

https://asco-sonneberg.de/pages/ueberbl ... achnum.php
https://asco-sonneberg.de/pages/ueberbl ... phella.php
Viele Grüße von abeja
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Registriert: Sa Jul 02, 2022 8:54 pm
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Re: Dasyscyphella nivea vs. Lachnum virgineum

Beitrag von abeja »

Lachnum impudicum and brevipilosum could be possible.
Viele Grüße von abeja